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JIRA Integration

This section covers commands for interacting with JIRA, including fetching data and uploading issues.


Fetch JIRA data to provide context for issue generation.

jiragen fetch [OPTIONS]


  • --types TYPE [TYPE...]: Types of data to fetch (default: tickets,epics)
  • Available types: epics, tickets, components
  • Use all to fetch everything
  • --project KEY: Specific project to fetch from
  • --since DAYS: Only fetch issues updated in last N days
  • --limit N: Maximum number of items to fetch
  • --force: Force refresh cached data


# Fetch all data types
jiragen fetch --types all

# Fetch specific types
jiragen fetch --types epics tickets

# Fetch recent issues from a project
jiragen fetch --project PROJ --since 30

# Force refresh with limit
jiragen fetch --types all --force --limit 1000

Output Format

    JIRA Fetch Statistics
โ”ƒ Type       โ”ƒ Items Fetched โ”ƒ
โ”‚ Epics      โ”‚            12 โ”‚
โ”‚ Tickets    โ”‚           156 โ”‚
โ”‚ Components โ”‚             8 โ”‚
โ”‚ Total      โ”‚           176 โ”‚


Upload issues directly to JIRA.

jiragen upload [OPTIONS]

Required Options

  • --title TEXT: Issue title/summary

Optional Options

  • --description TEXT: Issue description (supports markdown)
  • --type TEXT: Issue type (Story, Bug, Task, Epic, etc.)
  • --epic KEY: Epic key to link to (e.g., PROJ-123)
  • --component TEXT: Component name
  • --priority TEXT: Priority level
  • --labels TEXT: Comma-separated labels
  • --assignee TEXT: Assignee username
  • --reporter TEXT: Reporter username
  • --project KEY: Project key (overrides default)


# Upload basic issue
jiragen upload --title "Add user authentication"

# Upload with full metadata
jiragen upload \
  --title "Implement OAuth2" \
  --type Feature \
  --description "Add OAuth2 authentication support" \
  --epic PROJ-100 \
  --component Backend \
  --priority High \
  --labels "security,auth" \
  --assignee "john.doe"

# Upload from file
jiragen upload --from-file


Synchronize local and remote JIRA data.

jiragen sync [OPTIONS]


  • --direction: Sync direction (pull, push, both)
  • --types: Data types to sync
  • --dry-run: Show what would be synced
  • --force: Force sync even if no changes detected


# Full sync
jiragen sync

# Pull only
jiragen sync --direction pull

# Dry run
jiragen sync --dry-run

# Force sync specific types
jiragen sync --types epics,components --force

Best Practices

  1. Data Freshness:
  2. Run fetch regularly to keep context updated
  3. Use --since to fetch recent changes
  4. Consider setting up automated sync

  5. Upload Strategy:

  6. Review generated content before upload
  7. Use consistent metadata
  8. Link related issues appropriately

  9. Project Organization:

  10. Use epics for grouping related issues
  11. Apply consistent labeling
  12. Assign components correctly

  13. Performance:

  14. Use --limit for large projects
  15. Cache data when possible
  16. Schedule bulk operations off-peak ```