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JiraGen uses templates to structure generated JIRA issues consistently. This guide covers template usage, customization, and best practices.

Default Templates

JiraGen comes with several built-in templates:

Standard Issue Template (

# {title}

## Description

## Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] {criteria_1}
- [ ] {criteria_2}
- [ ] {criteria_3}

## Technical Details

## Implementation Notes
- {note_1}
- {note_2}

Bug Report Template (

# {title}

## Description

## Steps to Reproduce
1. {step_1}
2. {step_2}
3. {step_3}

## Expected Behavior

## Actual Behavior

## Technical Details
- Environment: {environment}
- Version: {version}
- Browser/Device: {browser}

## Possible Solution

Feature Request Template (

# {title}

## Description

## User Story
As a {user_type}
I want to {action}
So that {benefit}

## Acceptance Criteria
- [ ] {criteria_1}
- [ ] {criteria_2}
- [ ] {criteria_3}

## Technical Approach

## Dependencies
- {dependency_1}
- {dependency_2}

Custom Templates

Creating Templates

  1. Create a new markdown file in your templates directory:
  2. Unix-like: ~/.config/jiragen/templates/
  3. Windows: %APPDATA%\jiragen\templates/

  4. Use template variables:

  5. {title}: Issue title
  6. {description}: AI-generated description
  7. {technical_details}: Technical implementation details
  8. Custom variables: Define any variable with {variable_name}

Template Variables

Variables are replaced with AI-generated content or user-provided values:

# {title}

## Overview

## Custom Section

Using Custom Templates

# Use a specific template
jiragen generate "Add dark mode" --template

# Use a custom template
jiragen generate "Fix memory leak" --template custom/

Template Best Practices

  1. Structure:
  2. Use clear headings
  3. Include acceptance criteria
  4. Add technical details section
  5. Consider adding checklists

  6. Variables:

  7. Use descriptive names
  8. Document custom variables
  9. Keep optional sections modular

  10. Formatting:

  11. Use markdown for consistency
  12. Include code block templates where needed
  13. Consider JIRA markup compatibility

  14. Sections to Consider:

  15. Description/Overview
  16. Acceptance Criteria
  17. Technical Details
  18. Dependencies
  19. Testing Requirements
  20. Documentation Needs